
UnderSCORE - a prototype DSS


UnderSCORE is a proof-of-concept application of the knowledge developed during PASTFORWARD to benefit policy makers and forest managers. We conducted a Europe-wide questionnaire, which yielded 100 complete responses from 20 countries. In tandem, we also reviewed the available literature for any available Decision Support Systems (DSS) with an understorey component.

The questionnaire showed that decision-makers in temperate forests are concerned about biodiversity, climate change and forest regeneration. The understorey relates to all these aspects, and plays a known functional role in forest ecosystems. There were, however, no tools available to predict understorey development over time or space. UnderSCORE is a prototype DSS that accounts for the forest understorey and will help inform management decisions, with particular applicability to strategic decision-makers.

Please try out the prototype, and provide us with your feedback. Where possible, we want to improve this working prototype so that it meets your needs.

This work was funded by an ERC Proof of Concept Grant.

Haben recently recorded a talk on the UnderSCORE project, which you can watch in the video below:

Use UnderSCORE

We made the tool available for use right here, but recommend using it in full screen.


Guides to Underscore

The report to the UnderSCORE project contains a summary of the findings made, a description of the understorey DSS and a guide on how to use the DSS.

The technical manual describes the assumptions and approach of the understorey DSS. It outlines the source-data, any data-transformation that was performed and how the underlying model to the DSS was developed.


Your Feedback

As a prototype, UnderSCORE is a test phase. We want to know what the added value of the tool is already, to you as strategic decision and/or policy makers and how we can improve it. As such, we welcome your feedback on the outputs, the scope, user friendliness and any other aspects of the tool to enhance functionality.

Contact us via e-mail through our main contact:

Kris Verheyen

Prof. dr. ir. Kris Verheyen
+32 (0)9 264 90 27


Or contact us through the feedback-box:

Please include your name and e-mail if you wish to be contacted about your feedback. If you wish for your feedback to remain anonymous, please leave these fields blank.
